#21 Quitting Is A Habit

We're often quick to give up when we don't see results right away. But what we don't realize is that quitting can become a habit. Just like any other habit, it takes time and effort to break the cycle of quitting. But it's not impossible.

We all know the feeling of wanting to give up. Whether it's on a project at work, in our personal relationships, or simply not getting out of bed some days - quitting can become a habit. The tricky part about trying to break this habit is that it doesn't always look like we're flat-out quitting. Sometimes it's subtle decisions that keep us away from creating what we really want in life.

Are you constantly making excuses and procrastinating on your personal goals, convincing yourself that property management is too hard and time-consuming to do anything else? This is a form of quitting. We may not be able to say it out loud but by staying busy and overworked, we deny ourselves the personal experiences we want, leading us right back to where we started.

Our excuses can seem so valid and justified and so they can still block us from what we really want.

But sometimes, we're merely using these excuses to simply protect ourselves from potential failure. This type of self-sabotage is sadly very common, but by recognizing this tendency to fight against a challenge before it even begins will help us break the cycle of excuses and take steps toward creating our desired end result.

What’s In This Episode

  • The definition of “mini-quitty” and how it’s getting in the way of living the life you want
  • Common mini-quitty’s that block managers from their personal goals
  • The mindset shift that will help you power through any challenge
  • The simple exercise to help you combat excuses

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