How to Make A Resolution Stick

behaviors personal development productivity property management
Coach Anna Laughing

A Trick To Stay Focused On Your Goals 

It's the beginning of the year - which means it's New Year's Resolution time!

We know that time is of the essence and with all the responsibilities that come with managing properties, it can be difficult to prioritize personal goals.

So, we wanted to make a special episode to help you stay motivated and focused on your goals for the new year.

In this episode, we're discussing where New Year's resolutions often go wrong. Instead of setting unrealistic expectations that are hard to achieve, we'll explore the surprising power of negative visualization. 

How to Keep Momentum Throughout the Year 

Staying motivated all year long can be a challenge. That's why we'll be sharing our one trick to help you maintain momentum toward your goals throughout the year.

So, join us for episode #53 of the Addicted to Busy Podcast as we dive into the topic of goal-setting and how it can positively impact your personal and professional life. We promise it will be an insightful and valuable conversation that you won't want to miss!

In this episode, you will learn... 

  • Where New Year’s resolutions go wrong
  • Why you should visualize yourself struggling toward your goal
  • The one trick to keep momentum towards your goal all year long

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