Mastering Conscious Incompetence

productivity property management stress
Coach Anna

It's No Better at the Top 

Have you progressed up the property management ladder only to find - it’s no better at the top

You may feel like the burden of responsibility has become heavier now that you've advanced higher in property management. You're now dealing with more complex decisions and larger responsibilities, such as managing staff, responding to tenant issues, and handling financials. 

The demands can become overwhelming when combined with personal commitments and other career obligations. You're no longer simply making sure everything is running smoothly - you’re balancing multiple tasks, deadlines, and expectations on a daily basis.

The Key to Learning Faster 

But, what if overwhelm is simply part of the process?

Tune into episode #43 of the Addicted to Busy Podcast where we talk about how making space for overwhelm and frustration is the key to learning faster. 

In this episode, you will learn... 

  • How to uncover where you are on the competence ladder
  • Why you must call awareness to your unconscious skills (and what can happen if you don’t)
  • The one question you need to ask yourself before mentoring others

Are you struggling to balance work, health and life?

You're not alone. Many property managers struggle with the same challenges. I help career driven property managers who are ready for a change and want to live their best lives.

Book your free one on one call today! Within an hour we'll get you on your way to gaining more control and balance in your life.

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