Why You Must Slow Down in Order to Speed Up

behaviors burnout productivity property management stress
Coach Anna at a Cafe Drinking Coffee

High-Achieving Property Managers Tend to "Do It All" 

“I know I could teach my team how to do this - but it’s just faster if I do it myself.”

Have you said this? 

Property managers often struggle to find the time to get everything done. It doesn’t help that they often feel that no one can do it as well as they can (and they’re likely right!). With so many demands bearing down on them, they just tend to take care of everything themselves.

The Downfall of "Doing It All Yourself"

For high-achieving property managers, they are amazing at just getting stuff done.

However, this often results in ultimately feeling overwhelmed and overworked. 

So, while they initially believed that “just doing it themselves” would reduce stress - it has the exact opposite effect.

 Join us for episode #42 of the Addicted to Busy Podcast - we’re talking about why you often times need to intentionally slow down (temporarily) so that your team can speed up indefinitely. 

In this episode, you will learn... 

  • How to uncover where you are on the competence ladder
  • Why you must call awareness to your unconscious skills (and what can happen if you don’t)
  • How highlighting our skills will foster meaningful conversation and learning

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