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Get Yourself Out of Overworking productivity property management time management work life balance

Treading Water 

“I’m working over 50 hours a week, and I still feel like I’m barely treading water.”

We’ve all been there: You’re showing up to work every day and putting in far more than 8 hours a day and yet… it feels like you’re still...

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The Beauty of Boundaries boundaries journaling productivity self-care

What are Boundaries

Boundaries are guidelines we set for ourselves that show others how they should behave when they interact with us. Setting boundaries is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall wellbeing.

Boundaries are essential for setting your limits and...

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Why Time Boundaries are so Important boundaries productivity self-care

Psssst. What’s the BIG Secret I want to share with you??? 

It’s that setting time boundaries will increase your productivity and happiness at work. 

Say whaaaaat? 

I thought you were going to give me some crazy advice, but that actually sounds like something I can learn...

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Learning to Say No productivity time management work life balance

What is the hardest part of learning to manage your time more efficiently, thus giving you more flexibility to work with your team and tenants? If your guess is setting time boundaries, you’re half right and half wrong. 

The hardest part about getting time back in your day is learning...

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The Importance of Setting Boundaries boundaries productivity self-care stress

Did you know that setting boundaries is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your overall wellbeing? This is true with relationships, work, and life. Boundaries are essential for setting your limits and establishing a well-balanced life. 

So, how do you set boundaries to...

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