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Why You Should Stop Being Ambitious boundaries burnout personal development property management

Property Managers are Ambitious

Most of the property managers that I know are high achievers. They're go-getters. They're ambitious.

They don't just meet the requirements of their job descriptions, they exceed them. They don't hesitate to put in extra hours.

Typically, they have a keen eye for...

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Five Minutes A Day Keeps Bad Vibes Away journaling personal development property management

What is Analysis Paralysis? 

Do you ever find yourself stuck in your head, thinking about all the things that could go wrong? If so, you're not alone. Many of us tend to dwell on negativity and what-ifs, which can prevent us from getting things done.

Granted, it's our responsibility as...

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How to Beat Burnout and Conquer Your To-Do List burnout property management stress work life balance

Property Managers Need Someone Who Understands

Have you ever tried to tell a friend or family member about your crazy day on site… and they just don’t get it? I feel you.

I remember I once told my boyfriend about my day when 56 cars were broken into overnight. His response was,...

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Why You Need to Know Your Cost Per Hour behaviors property management time management work life balance

Managing the Business of Doing Business 

As property managers, every decision we make is based on if the numbers make sense. 

When choosing, we assess whether or not the value that will be gained justifies the investment (not to mention the time, energy, and capacity of your team).


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How to Choose Your Challenges Before They Choose You personal development property management self-care work life balance

Putting Yourself On The Backburner 

 As property managers, it's difficult to find time for ourselves. We get overwhelmed with the demands of managing properties while still trying to pursue our dreams and aspirations. It's easy to put off those goals because we want to do them...

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What Your Job Is Trying to Teach You behaviors personal development property management

How to Advocate for Your Needs at Work 

In episode #35 of the Addicted to Busy Podcast, we dive into an important aspect of our work lives: learning what your job is trying to teach you. By confronting discomfort and advocating for our needs, we unlock valuable life...

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Consciously Create More Conflict In Your Life behaviors personal development productivity property management

Embracing Challenges Can Promote Growth 

Are you feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities and thinking you can't possibly handle one more challenge? Well, get ready, because we're about to prove that embracing new challenges could be exactly what you need to break out of your rut and reach...

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How to Use Projection and Posturing in the Office behaviors job personal development property management

What is a Humble Brag? 

Are you ever in a situation where your colleague posts something on social media and it seems like they are bragging but they do so in a subtle, humble way? This phenomenon is known as "humble brag." It can often come off as disingenuous and insincere. 

In the...

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What Is Projection and How to Recognize It behaviors property management stress

Do You Experience Office Drama?

Do you think Mean Girls are just a high school drama trope — those cliquey girls who love to boss everyone else around at the expense of productivity? Think again. Sadly, their bullying tactics don’t go away when high school is over. Many property...

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The New Technique to Help You Control Emotions behaviors personal development property management stress

Why Your Reactions to Emotions are Important 

Property managers have a lot on their plate. Between managing budgets, payroll, and staff all while tending to tenants' needs and concerns, things can get overwhelming - fast! 

But there’s something else you need to factor in if...

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Taking Time Off of Work May Not Feel Good (at first) boundaries burnout property management stress work life balance

Why Doesn't Taking Time Off Feel Good?

Being a property manager can be incredibly stressful, with property managers often sacrificing themselves and going above and beyond to keep their teams on track. But, too many property managers find themselves worrying about taking time off work, even when...

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Property Management Is Nothing But Problems behaviors personal development property management stress

Does Venting Help? 
If you're a property manager, chances are you've had to deal with your fair share of tenant problems. Maybe a pipe has burst, or there's been a break-in. Whatever the problem may be, it's important to remember that venting about it isn't going to solve anything. Instead,...

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